The Different Kinds of Dental Bridges

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Were you aware that there are three different kinds of dental bridges? They have one thing in common, and that is their ability to replace a missing tooth. They each have different approaches that may be more beneficial in situations the others cannot quite handle.

Traditional Bridge
Traditional bridges are the more common type used. They are built with two dental crowns sandwiching the artificial tooth, which we will call the pontic for simplicity, that will replace the missing tooth. The crowns attach to the two natural teeth that stand right next to the empty spot the missing tooth used to occupy. The crowns hold the pontic over the area it needs to be in, thus providing you with a brand new tooth that can help you eat and speak normally again.

Cantilever Bridge
The cantilever bridge can be considered a close cousin of the traditional bridge. The only real difference is that cantilevers use only one crown. If there is ever a case where only one natural tooth can be used to hold a bridge in place, this is where cantilever bridges shine.

Maryland Bridge
If cantilevers are close to traditional bridges, then maryland bridges are distant cousins. They do not use crowns at all. They latch onto adjacent teeth with a small frame instead. They have the advantage of not requiring a lot of dental work to place, but they do not quite have the strength that their relatives have. They are often used to replace front teeth, as the back teeth may have too strong a bite force that can make them fall off.

If you ever need to replace some teeth, you can consider our dental bridges here at Pipestone Dental Center in Pipestone, Minnesota. You can consult with our dentist, Dr. Mark T. Morgan to help you decide what option will be the most helpful for you. You can schedule your visit now by calling 507-825-5403.